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Mon Aug 8, 2022 @ 9:30am

Lieutenant Arashi Tanaka

Name Arashi Tanaka Mr.

Position Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25
Homeworld Earth(Tokyo,Japan)

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 190 pounds
Hair Color Black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description He is slightly muscular due to his training in Anbo-jutsu. He has short black hair that goes down to his shoulders and he often ties it up in a topknot.


Spouse None
Children none
Father Akari Tanaka
Mother Mio Tanaka
Brother(s) Gisei Tanaka (Younger brother)
Sister(s) Kari Tanaka (younger sister)

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a hard worker and a dilligent security officer. Willing to make everyone comfortable when they are on board the ship, he treats everyone as if they were visitors to his home. He is a fun loving person but knows when to be serious.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths- Loyalty, good work ethic, friendly

Weakness- overworks himself at times, easily frustrated when he fails at things
Ambitions To be the captain of his own ship and lead others.
Hobbies & Interests Anbo-Jytusu (First in Academy tournaments 2 years)
Kendo (Trains in the holodeck as a personal hobby)
Reliving historical battles of the Samurai

Personal History He was born to the Tanaka family in the year 2366. Hee was a boy whose destiny laid in the stars. He was told stories about people venturing out into the stars and making a name for themselves and he was enthralled by the stories. He promised himself that when he was old enough that he would join Starfleet and become a captain. He knew that he had hard work ahead of him and he was willing to go through it to achieve his goal. He was told stories of alien warriors, philosphers and others throughout his childhood so that fueled his determination to become a Starfleet officer.

In 2384, he left home to go to the Academy in San Francisco and enter the classes there. He was in for quite a shock as he saw all manner of alien and humanoid races in his quest to graduate. He worked hard at his chosen profession which was to be a security officer. It was here that his mastery of Anbo-jytusu helped him as he would often lack focus and it helped him to learn that focus and paitence would better serve him rather than getting frustrated and giving up. 2385 and 2386 were good years for him as he was Anbo-jutsu champion for those years.

The last two years he buckled down and really worked hard at passing classes. He graduated with a B+ average and while not top of his class he was very popular with the cadets in his class as when they would want to give up he would encourage them to keep going. Now where the man's future takes him is anyone's guess but he know that with hard work and good morals he can be whatever he wants to be.
Service Record 2384-SF Academy Cadet

2388-Graduated to Ensign and assigned to the Victory as Security Officer.