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A Bunch of Monkies

Posted on Sat Oct 28, 2017 @ 8:26pm by Lieutenant Samantha Raylen & Lieutenant Commander Miguel Torres

964 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Dīvide et Impera ~ Chapter One: Sending Out An S.O.S
Location: USS Victory
Timeline: Same as Six Weeks Later

U.S.S. Victory Refit report~ These stabase engineers must have been trained by a bunch of monkies. It's takent them six weeks... six weeks to fix what I could have done in three. Not just that but my crew and I have had to go behind them and pain stakingly reintroduce improvements to the ship over the last year. If they had touched my engines I would have spaced the lot of them.~

Miguel was in one of the currently deactivated power transfer conduits with his spanner. "Damn where did these idiots learn engineering. They used the wrong spanner to install the damn regulator." Miguel spoke through his combadge to Raylen who was monitoring the status in main engineering. "There how does that look now?" he asked.

After a moment in which he knew his assistant was checking the system monitors, she answered “Better. We are still getting a slight flux in the secondary relay.”

"Hmmm" was the only sound that Miguel made. He didn't like the sound of a flux in the secondary relay. He could just see it now the Captain gives the order to go to warp and nothing happens, not on his watch. "Alright let me see if this works." he said and the reached into his tool kit and pulled out a silver cylinder with a little red emitter on the top. He activated it and after running it over the regulator for a few seconds. "Alright check again."

A pause. “The flux is gone but now we’ve got a weird harmonic in the return feed lines...”

"Check the sensors themselves and make sure they aren't out of whack." he said as he put the tools away. What the hell was wrong with the regulator. He started to run all the possibilities through his head. It could jsut be a faulty one, in which case all they'd need to do is make a new one. But something was telling him that it was something else, so he removed his tricorder and scanned the device.

“Sensor calibration checks out. Still picking up the harmonic in the return feed line and I’m also showing an increase in temperature associated with the harmonic resonance in the lines..” Sam told him.

"Yeah I'm seeing that..." he said as he continued to look at the scans. Then he just started to shake his head even though he couldn't be seen. "The sonic frequncy nutation is off recalibrating it now." he told her.

“Let me know when you’re ready mad I’ll rerun the diagnostic.” Sam replied.

"Finished now." he said just mere moments after she finished her sentence. Now he just needed to wait for the diagnostic to be completed.

“Running the diagnostic...” came her response. Then a sigh, “I think the regulator is bad..”

"Alright let's get another one assembled and get it up here." he said as he began to bypass the regulator so he could shut it down and remove it.

By the time he had the malfunctioning regulator isolated from the system, shut down and removed, Raylen had the replacement component ready to swap out. “Here you go.. it passed the initial inspection checks..”

"Thank you." he said as he took the device from her and then began to install the device in position. "Hopefully what we had was just an assembly mistake."

“I guess we’ll find out once we get this swapped and online.” She answered.

He nodded as he went about doing just that. It was actually a simple procedure. "That we will..." he said taking a pause as he decided if it was clear to say what he was going to say. "By the way are we still on for dinner tonight?" he asked Sam.

Her attention remained on the task at hand, watching the read outs as he began the initial calibration procedure for the new regulator. “We certainly are...” Sam replied with a smile on her face and in her voice.

Miguel nodded "Then this time dinner is your responsibility..." he told her. "I'll handle breakfast this time."

Sam smiled, attention still on her task though she answered, “Replicated cereal doesn’t count...”

"I'm glad you finally agree. Because whatever that was that you made last week wasn't breakfast much less cereal." he told her.

This time she did turn to look at him. “I seem to recall you didn’t let me finish entering the order..something about how food wasn’t what you were hungry for...”

"I don't recall you complaining or resisting... any of the times." he said with a mischevious smile. "Well this is in place let's see if it works better than the other one did." he added.

“Roger that..initializing the diagnostics..” Sam answered. After a moment, she smiled “That did it, All endings are within expected parameter ranges.”

"Good I think that's the last of the things we needed to get back into it's proper working order." he said as he finished putting his tools away.

“Is there anything else still on the certification list?” Sam asked him.

"No this was the last thing on the check list." he replied as he finished putting the tools away. "So we're good to get out of here... and with only 3 hours past our normal shift."

“All that extra time we have...what are we going to do to fill it?”she asked with a little grin on her face.

"Not sure do you have any suggestions?" he asked her.

She smiled again, her eyes on his face as she said “Oh I can think of a few things we could be doing which are much more enjoyable than just standing around engineering talking.”

"Oh so I'm learning." he replied as he stared into her eyes.



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