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Quietly reporting in

Posted on Sun Jun 24, 2018 @ 10:24pm by Fleet Captain Rhea Kennit & Lieutenant Samantha Raylen

261 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Divide et Impera ~ Chapter 2: Heralding the Chase
Location: USS Victory

Captains Ready Room

Upon disembarking the shuttle, Kennit immediately returned to the Bridge where, after a curt command demanding to know ship’s status, she disappeared into the Ready Room and walked to her desk. Silently, she entered a series of command codes which provided a secure, heavily encrypted communication channel allowing her to transmit an action report back to Admiral Harv Bennett. Opening a panel on the desk, the recessed compartment revealed an access port allowing the Captain to directly interface with the computer via the Borg implants within her left hand, placing her hand palm down she immediately began to download the information assimilated from the station’s computer system, while simultaneously drafting a highly detailed action report covering all aspects of the Victory’s activities since her last communication with Section 31’s Commanding Officer of Theoretical Research.

Many an officer in Starfleet would have loved the ability to draft an action report with the detail and data as quickly as Kennit was able to compile the necessary information for transmittal.

Leaving nothing out, she relayed to the Admiral everything which had transpired.. and then once the data transfer of the assimilated computer files was complete, she further encrypted the data using a private data encryption algorithm which could only be unlocked by its intended recipient as he, and he alone knew the key.. and sent it winging on its way.

Kennit then got herself a cup of coffee, sitting back lost in thought as she sipped the beverage and waited for Bennett’s reply.



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